Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Easter Reminder

I have been working as a writer for a magazine and when you write in office, sometimes it is tiring to write at home. However I am always reminded of God's goodness and that compels me to write, because I have to give him the glory he deserves.

On the 7 April this year, it will be my 4th year since I received my Driving Licence. These 4 years have fly by, I have not gotten a bad record in Singapore, however I had my fair share of driving excitement in the USA. Every time I look back at my driving experiences, I know that God's hand has been in every single trip. I have had my near accidents experience but have maintain a clean record in Singapore. Getting my driving licence was one of the situation in which god met me at where I was.

I am part of the Comfort Delgro Driving Centre (CDC) group students. I started taking my driving in the start of 2011, I have renewed my membership once and my Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) 3 times. I had 67 100 minute lessons before I passed and I passed on the second try. For the record, I took manual and am a proud owner of a Class 3 licence. My journey to get this licence was one of humility, hard work and blessing.

I started out in CDC as a common pool student, the scenario where you fight with 1000 other students for measly number of slots. At that point, I put in the exact amount of money required to take a couple of classes. I did not think long term and had booked a few classes at one go, I was not consistent in my booking and hence only had classes at the end of each month. Essentially I was taking classes on week 3 and 4 of each month, putting 2 weeks of break between classes. This caused a lack of consistent practice and my skills were not smooth. After daddling for at least 20-30 classes, I decided to move on to OneTeam, where I could book more consistent classes and started having consistent classes. However due to the bad habits I developed through my initial lessons, my teachers spent a lot of time breaking these habits, after which they had to inculcate all the proper habits and that took a long time. 

During my first exam, I was so nervous about the yellow lights that I step into the yellow box and had an immediate fail, I was so upset about my fail but I had to continue and push for my second test. During my second test, my tester was a little kinder and I picked the last slot of the day. Despite the traffic on the road, it gave me the opportunity to be slower and that helped me. After getting my test results, I passed with 16 points (18 points is pass while 20 points is fail). When I look carefully at my test results, I calculated my total points to be 20 (which mean I would have failed), however I had 4 points of exemption. At that point, a still small voice said "That is grace". I believe that was the holy spirit sharing with me what the grace of god is; something you don't deserver but given.  And this great reminder came just one day before Good Friday. If I did not have the exemption, I would have failed and had to take the test a 3rd time, but his grace has been sufficient for me. Every time I share my experience, I know that it is a testimony to God's goodness.


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