Thursday, 1 October 2015

Who am I?

Who am I that you would be interested in me, that you would care for the hair on my head, or the injuries I have. Who am I that it will interest you to know that I am eating and breathing well. Who am I that you would care for the fact that I have a job that I am interested in or that I have a nice home to live in.

Who am I that I will deserve your love and concern, that you would be interested to know to about the demons I fight or the insecurities I face when I look at myself in the mirror. Who am I that you actually care to comfort me in my time of pain and offer me a shoulder to lean on during my time of trial and distress. Who am I that you would invest time, care and love in me.

I am nothing but a speck of dust on this earth, part of the millions of people who come and go. I am the light that dies in a second, the one that flickers and pass on. I am selfish and deceitful, I want things my way and I think only about myself, I refuse to put someone before my well being. I am filled with nothing but sheer humanity, I want only fame, wealth and power in my life, I want to be a step better than the next people. My sinful nature fills me and drives me to make the wrong decisions or compromise my morals.

Yet you love me with all your heart, you look pass my heart and see the good in me. You love me so much that you send your son to die for me, you gave me unconditional love that my human mind will never understand. I don't know why you are interested in me and my well being, I don't know why you care for me, I don't even know why you love me so much that you are willing to forgive my sin and send your son to die for me, but I am glad you do.

Be patient with me and teach me your ways, transform me into the woman you want me to be.

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars
which you have set in place 
what is mankind that you are mindful of them, 
human beings that you care for them?
Psalm 8: 3-4


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