Wednesday, 31 August 2016

23 turned 24

I spent the last one hour thinking about how my 23rd year has been. It was one filled with ups and downs. I got a job that I enjoy, worked my butt off and was happy with the experience despite the low pay given. I learnt a lot on how a publication works and getting into a cycle was not an easy task, but I did it. Yet in between all that hustle and bustle, I chose to leave my job 1 year after I started and I am not proud of it, I left in order to diversify my portfolio and to learn to write different beats. I also left because I was not happy with certain elements of my job. Some people felt I could have done better, others knew that I have tried my best in what I did. Whatever it was I know that I have grown in this past one year. I learn my limitations, and my strengths, I learn to be confident in certain things and be humble and ask for help in others.

When David Cameron left his job as Prime Minister of Britain, I knew that it was ok to leave my job, because if the PM of Britain can leave his job, what difference would it make when I leave mine.

With the late SR Nathan's death, his life story was published and when i read it, i learn that it is ok to have many jobs, as long as your principles and character are the same throughout.

My spiritual growth have increased too, I felt God's hand in my decisions at work, I have seen his faithful hands through that one year; from giving me the job, to inviting me to leave my work place. I also have learn to focus on him and commit my problems to him, both big and small. I am no expert at faith but I know with him, I am assured for life. Moving forward, I know he has ask me to seek his kingdom first and trust that all others will be added onto me, and I have every plan to do so as well.

Thinking back to my birthday when I was younger, it was filled with dress up parties, I would have a theme and my friends would dress up for my party, back then it was about the presents and the attention I would received on my special day. That was all that matter to me. Now that I am older, I realise that the presents and attention no longer matters, it is the people who remember my birthday, albeit Facebook reminding people of birthdays. The people who bother to write me a message or wish me happy birthday in any way they can, the midnight surprises and the ones who set aside time to spent it with you. I learnt that relationships are more important than that attention or presents received. And I am glad to say that with such a thought and shift in a attitude, I guess I have grown up a little more.

I look forward to seeing how my mind and hopefully my body changes from now till 25.


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