Monday, 17 August 2015

Faith in the moments of Uncertainty

Having been jobless for quite some time, I feel a sense of uncertainty in my future. In a Singapore where everything is moving so fast, it is normal for many fresh grads to get a job the moment they graduate. The intensity in this job search is quite high and having graduate a year before, I do feel that sense of pressure.

I have been a Christian since I was born, but I only started to take my walk with god much more seriously in the recent months. Relying on God to provide for a job is easier said that done, but I am not giving up on his providence in my life. I have been applying for jobs for about 3 weeks now, I have sent 10 applications and only got 1 interview back. This type of anticipation for a job-interview call is nerve wrecking. Some days I wake up and go "God is in control, he will provide a job!" and other days it is "God help me! I am losing faith". It is not easy to keep my eyes on God despite my circumstances, but a friend of mine has been reminding me to praise God in the little sufferings, such that in the bigger sufferings I can praise him. I was watching Sonia and Andy's vlog about their miscarriage and I was greatly touched by how they were still determined to praise God despite their loss. I know this is maybe one of the few easy adversities I will face, in comparison to the bigger sufferings that are going to hit me in the future.

This week church sermon message hit me hard, it reminded me to keep my eyes on God and not to lose faith in him, no matter my circumstances. My Open Door, which God will provide, will be open soon!

"This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and he is here"
-Desert Song, Hillsong


Anonymous said...

Press on! May the Lord strengthen your and build you up in character even in this time of drought:)

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